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Big Data and Analytics

Organisations today are constantly gathering data, yet few can analyse it properly. When it comes to implementing data insights in a business setting, there are several ways to do it. This is why we provide various courses to suit your needs so that you can learn more about big data, business data analytics and the ins and outs of data science. While there are some similarities between the three disciplines, they are different and what you learn in the courses will differ significantly. So, what's the difference?

Well, big data is exactly what it sounds like. It refers to any large, fast or complex data– which can be tricky to manage. It's not just the type or size of data though, it's more about what can be done with it. With the right processes and perspective, big data can provide businesses with the leverage they need to make precise, strategic decisions with confidence.

Business data analytics works on the principle of traditional data analytics (process of analysing massive data sets to get insights and predictions). But it puts the idea in the context of the business insight. It takes a narrower focus to data-driven business decisions.

Data science deals with vast volumes of data to find unseen patterns that help drive vital business decisions. By using complex machine learning algorithms to build predictive models, it can uncover patterns and then visualise them in an easier to understand way. These are incredibly valuable tools to have in your working toolkit. With our businesses analytics and big data training, you'll learn to find hidden data insights, making you an asset to any team.

Who can benefit from ILX training in business analytics and big data?

Because organisations need big data analysis in almost every industry, it's a highly versatile and valuable skill. ILX courses are useful to software and analytic professionals, data management professionals, software developers and more.

Big data training is beneficial for IT, data management and analytics professionals.

Python for Data science training is great for anyone with a passion for the world of data science, such as Software and analytics professionals or anyone who wants to apply data science skills in their respective fields.

Aspiring data scientists will find all of these online training courses beneficial to their careers, particularly the data science course.

Big data and business analytics training could unlock your next career move

Big data can be invaluable to businesses as it is used to uncover answers that help them not only run more efficiently but can also aid in optimising product development and yielding a better return of investment. Knowing how to decipher and yield information from big data and business analytics can be a rewarding and lucrative career.

Especially as the potential for big data has skyrocketed in the past decade, and organisations are still catching up. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts data science employment will grow by 36% by 2031 – and demand is similar around the world.

The demand for professionals with data skills is high, but there is still a significant skills shortage in the field. By taking a course in business analytics or big data training, you could start a career in high-paying analytics roles.

What will you learn in our business analytics and big data training courses?

These online courses teach fundamental and advanced data skills that you can apply using popular tools. You will learn how to:

  • Understand data, apply statistical analyses and make data-driven decisions
  • Create custom reports and visualisations that you can use to back up your recommendations
  • Apply advanced techniques like data exploration, visualisation and descriptive analytics techniques

Choose from a selection of online courses in Big Data and Analytics

There is plenty of choice when it comes to finding the right course for you and your needs. Take a look at just some of the in-depth course we offer here at ILX:

Power BI

Work with data in Microsoft Power BI which is a popular and powerful business tool. Confidently gather and analyse big data, then create visualisations to share your findings.

> Power BI training

Data Science – R Programming

Start analysing data with R, a programming language that's great for statistical analysis and data visualisation. Ideal for aspiring data scientists, this course shows you how to use advanced analyses in real-life scenarios.

> Data Science course

Business Analytics with Excel

Open new career doors by learning the basics of statistics and data analysis. Learn how to use Microsoft Excel and Power BI to find and share important insights hidden within big data sources.

> Business Analytics course

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