We've raised £3,345.00 currently!

Thank you to everyone who's helped us raise money so far. You can help by donating or sponsoring us via our JustGiving page. Keep a look out for more activities coming up!


Charitable work

In 2021, ILX made the decision that we officially wanted to start giving back! Like many people and organisations, we reflected on what was important to us, and as a company we started to actively fundraise for nominated charities.

Every year we choose a new charity. And because we feel that it's important for the whole business to be included as part of our initiative, each January we give everyone at ILX the opportunity to nominate a charity that is important to them. Once we have the shortlist, we all get to vote for one of them!

We are delighted to announce that our nominated charity for 2023 is The Menopause Charity!

Cardiomyopathy logo

The Menopause Charity

The Menopause is only recently being spoken about more openly, despite it being something that affects all women at different ages, and in different ways.

The Menopause Charity's inspiring vision is one of a world where the menopause is embraced and seen as new beginnings, adventures, and opportunities. And they want all women men, family, friends, health professionals, employers, colleagues and more to have access to evidence-based information; guidance on the physical and mental changes that a women's body goes through during perimenopause and menopause; and the appropriate care, tools and treatment to help manage these changes.

The Menopause Charity provides evidence-based information, advice and support, and accredited training to individuals experiencing menopause, healthcare professionals diagnosing and treating menopause, and employers whose staff may be negatively affected by the menopause.

Learn more about The Menopause Charity here.

Nick's story

"I nominated this charity because my sister recently went through an ovarian cancer scare. To eliminate the risk, she was advised by her medical team to have a complete hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy – where the womb, cervix, fallopian tubes (salpingectomy) and ovaries (oophorectomy) are removed. This was a traumatic experience in itself. But she's also in her early 40s and has been immediately thrown into the menopause.

"Our mum passed away around eight years ago at the age of 56, so the knowledge and awareness of menopause is less known to my sister. Fortunately, with the work ILX did last year on the menopause, I found myself in a better position to signpost my sister to resources, including the webinar we ran in May 2022. Which my sister could also share with her company to make them more aware.

"However, I believe there are many people struggling and suffering in silence from the extensive side effects that the menopause can cause. Which is why supporting this charity is important to me, as it'll help to raise awareness and benefit many others."

Fundraising activities

Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge

Sally, our Sales Director, and a group of her friends completed the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge in May, in an amazing time of 11 hours. The trek is over 24 miles and an ascent of 1585 metre, and the group of ladies, all 50+, have raised a fantastic £1,291 (so far) for The Menopause Charity.

3 Peaks image

This cause is very close to Sally's heart, as she suffered from some pretty awful symptoms about 3 years ago, which at the time she didn't realise was due to the menopause/peri menopause. Since then, Sally has been instrumental in helping to create awareness so that other women don't suffer in silence, including writing a blog and running the ILX webinar last year.

If you'd like to donate, then please visit our Just Giving page.

What's next?

We have many other ideas in the planning stages, so keep an eye out on our social media channels and this page for updates!

What have we done before?

What have we done previously?

We were delighted to raise £8,174.00 for our two previous charities – Cardiomyopathy UK and Don’t Lose Hope.

And we did it by...

Running a mental health webinar

Delivered by business psychologist and expert trainer, Nick Winston, this webinar was run to provide advice and guidance around issues, such as burnout, prioritising workloads and managing their work-life balance, for people who found themselves unexpectedly working from home during the pandemic!

Conquering Snowdon

Despite gale force winds, rain, zero visibility, and generally treacherous conditions, a group of us hiked up the Watkin Path of Mount Snowdon -- the highest mountain in Wales (and England)! Everyone showed amazing teamwork, which helped us all get down Snowdon safely, albeit the experience was scary at times!

Going on a sponsored walk

For those of us unable to or not keen on climbing a mountain, we instead set up an ILX group walking challenge! Everyone who took part completed at least 100 miles over the month of June!

Taking on Tough Mudder

The more adventurous of us ILX-ers were at it again, and this time took on the Northwest 5K Tough Mudder! 15 of the team navigated their way through tonnes of mud, multiple obstacles, and even submerged themselves in ice cold water!

Cake sales and raffling

Who doesn't love cake right? And everyone loves a company raffle! We certainly do anyway, and were happy raising money doing so!

Why we supported Cardiomyopathy UK

This is a specialist national charity that was nominated by our Account Manager, Nick, which helps people affected by cardiomyopathy. The charity provides support and information services, raises awareness of the condition, campaigns for better access to quality treatment, and promotes research.

Why we supported Don't Lose Hope

This is a small charity that was nominated by our Senior Training Consultant, Andy. Based in Bourne, Don't Lose Hope provide a safe haven for anyone going through a difficult time. The charity offers professional counselling for all members of the community, delivered by a team of qualified and experienced counsellors, a community garden (part of their therapeutic service), and a café, which helps to raise funds and a place where there's always a friendly face or someone to talk to.