How APMG-International Managing Benefits™ can benefit you

The Managing Benefits guidance provides many tangible to both the individual and the organisation as a whole

For the individual

  • Enhanced professional competence through benefits management practices and techniques.
  • Ability to implement methods, including knowledge of management accountancy, behavioural finance, psychology, neuro-science and systems thinking.
  • Understanding of the seven principles upon which successful approaches to benefits management are built and applied to projects, programmes and portfolios. The guide provides a route map to adoption of more cost-effective techniques and practices.
  • Adept at forecasting realistic benefits to produce business cases which address business issues and objectives and provide a route to measure success.
  • Outline costs and benefits to drive business objectives.

For the organisation

  • Realize benefits to improve prospects in terms of investors, clients, revenue and efficiency levels regardless of professional discipline and type of organization.
  • Ability to demonstrate more efficient and effective practices through better use of available resources. This enhances an organization's ability to retain motivated and skilled change management staff and to attract investors.
  • Improved return on investment from change initiatives as more benefits are realised and sustained for longer.
  • Enhanced confidence on the part of regulators and funding agencies - so helping ensure continued funding for change.
  • Have an organization-wide understanding of the benefits a project or programme will produce and be able to measure when they are realized.


To take a look at our current selection of APMG-International Managing Benefits™ courses, click here