
Blog category

Project Management

Harnessing AI in project management: How to maximise impact and increase efficiency

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming a pivotal tool in numerous industries, and project management is no exception. AI offers the potential to transform the landscape of project management, making operations more efficient, reducing errors, and providing insights that were previousl...

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T-shaped project professionals: The secret to broader skills and deeper expertise

Project managers are known for being adaptable, flexible and ready to turn their hands to anything.  With this, it can feel like they’re a jack-of-all-trades. But in addition to these broad capabilities, some project professionals possess a deeper knowledge of specialist subjects. A term which has b...

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Essential digital skills for the modern PMO

Your Project Management Office (PMO) is the hub of projects and the administrative function that enables them to run efficiently and effectively. To keep projects on time and budget, PMOs need to keep track of events, meetings, governance, and resources. Historically, this administrative work has in...

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Why is the Praxis Framework™ essential for effective project, programme, and portfolio management (P3M)?

Project managers face many challenges in their day-to-day work from ensuring that scope and budgets do not creep beyond initial agreements, to maintaining good communication throughout the project team and meeting fast-approaching deadlines. Implementing a structured approach, such as the Praxis...

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Support (or lack of) from internal and external stakeholders can make or break a project

In this series of blogs we’ve been outlining core skills that teams need for managing projects, programmes, and portfolios. In this last one, we’re discussing why stakeholder management is an essential ability. The importance of stakeholder management The public sector, as well as other organi...

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Effective communication is essential to the success of projects, programmes, and portfolios

In our last four blogs we’ve discussed some core skills that will help teams to improve the way they manage projects, programmes, and portfolios. And in this one we’re going to outline why good communication skills are essential. Why should your teams develop communication skills? Good communi...

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Ensure your project budgets are based on reliable projections

Over the last week or so our blog series has identified the importance of three core skills that your teams need when managing projects, programmes and portfolios. In this blog, we’re going to look at the impact that ineffective budget management may have. Why do your public sector teams need goo...

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